Welcome to Our Firewise Community

Martiswoods Firewise Community is a Nationally Recognized Firewise USA® Community. We are neighbors helping neighbors, working together to Prepare for Wildfire. Protecting ourselves, properties and community against the threat of wildfire through awareness, education, home hardening and maintaining defensible space.   

Our community is located in the Placer County portion of Truckee, CA, within the Truckee Fire Protection District in a Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) of the northern Sierra Nevada Mountain range.  Our west and south boundaries border the U.S Forest Service, Tahoe National Forest as seen on our Community Map.

Benefits of being a Recognized Firewise Community include:

  • Promoting a culture of readiness and action to save and protect lives and homes in the event of a wildfire.

  • Preparing for and making evacuations safer.

  • As a community, advocating and establishing relationships with organizations and agencies to assist with our efforts.

  • Potentially reducing insurance premiums (some insurers currently offering discounts).

The success of our Community depends on the voluntary involvement of our homeowners and residents. Getting involved is as easy as spending one hour a year doing yard cleanup or home hardening and recording your time on our Investment Log by clicking the “Log Time” button or Log Time. Recording our efforts showcases our community’s commitment to prevent and mitigate the spread of wildfires.  Annual reporting of our efforts is REQUIRED by every Firewise USA® Community.  Additionally, it helps to demonstrate our commitment when applying for grants to assist our community with our goals.

Interested in JOINING our Awesome Community or want to learn more about Firewise USA®?  Please send an email to MartiswoodsFWC@gmail.com or use our Contact form.

Martiswoods Firewise

161 Acres of Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)

142 Dwellings

2100+ Volunteer Hours recorded in 2024